Chinook Middle School Replacement
BELLEVUE, WA–The core of the site design is maximizing the site configuration while preserving the forested perimeter areas and incorporating a new sustainable learning center for the nearly 1,200 students. New pedestrian, vehicle and bus circulation increase site safety and traffic flow on surrounding streets. Sustainable rain gardens and pervious concrete are integrated into various aspects of the site.
Replacing Chinook Middle School requires close coordination with both the Cities of Clyde Hill and Bellevue due to superimposing permit processes. The civil design also includes demolition and erosion control; grading, stormwater management, water and sewer utilities.

Mt. Si High School Expansion Projects
SNOQUALMIE, WA–Having worked on the Mt. Si High School campus since 2004, LPD has provided civil site engineering services for a floodway analysis, new tennis courts, a classroom building expansion, and the addition of seven portable classroom buildings. Civil site designs involved grading, drainage, temporary erosion and sediment control (TESC) measures, utilities, sidewalks, and site layout plans.
An intricate floodway analysis and drainage design was necessary for the new gymnasium and athletic complex due to the site being located within the 100-year floodway and 100-year floodplain of the Snoqualmie River. The study results determined that to avoid significant seasonal flooding the football field was constructed on a raised structure.

Pop Keeney Stadium
BOTHELL, WA–The 40-year-old Pop Keeney Stadium received $9.7 million in much needed upgrades including replacement of field turf , field lighting and visitor stands; and new locker rooms, restrooms and concession facilities. Extensive coordination with the City of Bothell enabled swift permit approvals to keep the project on its fast track schedule.
Civil design work involved planning and analysis regarding installation of modular buildings, providing parking for 500 cars, integrating street frontage improvements, establishing a stormwater management program, coordinating sewer and water/fire services, and support for grandstand enhancements.

Secondary STEM School
REDMOND, WA–To support the academic program of problem-based, innovative learning in science and math, the site design minimizes impacts to the natural areas and integrates sustainable stormwater management through permeable concrete and bioretention-infiltration areas.
After extensive analysis of three potential sites, an undeveloped site with second growth forest and heavy vegetation adjacent to Alcott Elementary School was selected. Civil design also includes water and sewer utilities, vehicular and pedestrian circulation, and new roadway access to the site.

Tyee Middle School Replacement
BELLEVUE, WA–The site design for this new middle school focused on student safety and accessibility. Improved parking and student drop off areas creates safer pedestrian, vehicular and bus circulation. Rain gardens provide flow control and water quality treatment for the new parking areas.
Complete franchise utility coordination entailed coordination with both Puget Sound Energy regarding a major transmission line and Olympic Pipe Line for a 16-inch high pressure main.
This comprehensive site design also involved grading, drainage, water and sewer, frontage improvements, site utilities and and renovated sports fields.

UW Dempsey Indoor Practice Facility
SEATTLE, WA–A detailed, deliberate site design was crucial due to the facility being wedged between UW Husky Stadium and Hec Ed Pavilion and the soil being fill dirt atop murky lake bottom. In addition to site design, LPD provided project management, civil engineering design and construction administration for site utilities, grading, and paving.
Under construction during the Nisqually Earthquake, soils dropped six inches during the earthquake. The newly constructed waterline, designed with telescoping sleeves, remained intact after this event.

Vashon Island High School
VASHON, WA–Creating a new, sustainable main classroom building on the Vashon Island High School campus required an imaginative site design. Existing buildings, wetlands, and athletic fields offered an opportunity to create an environmentally responsible campus. Significant sustainable site design elements involved stormwater management through the use of rainwater harvesting, green roofs, permeable pavement and bioretention to mitigate runoff and provide grey water reuse.
Extensive, ongoing communication with permitting agencies, district personnel and contractors is critical since the high school will remain open during construction. The incorporation of a ground source heat pump system and underground stormwater cistern, re-routing of utilities, and expansion of the existing septic and domestic water systems require precise coordination throughout construction.