Commodore Way Retail/Office Building
SEATTLE, WA–This commercial development is located in an industrial area along the waterfront in the Magnolia neighborhood. Grading, drainage, water and sewer design for the zero lot line retail/office development involved close coordination with the City of Seattle for permit approval.

Dick's Drive In Restaurants
WASHINGTON–LPD provides civil engineering services for the Dick’s Drive-In Restaurants at various locations. Since 2006, projects have involved civil engineering services such as drainage design and parking and driveway access improvements.
The site development and permit coordination for a new Edmonds restaurant involved designs for stormwater management, water and sewer utilities, grading, parking layout, and pavement restoration.
Driveway relocation for the Dick’s Wallingford Restaurant created an opportunity, through close coordination with SDOT, to construct the driveway as part of its NE 45th Street improvements. This provided a significant cost benefit to the owner.

Interurban Exchange III Building (Rosetta Inpharmatics)
SEATTLE, WA–The utility and civil site design for this biotech and office building in Seattle’s South Lake Union neighborhood required a pedestrian friendly design and coordination with the construction of the South Lake Union Trolley line. The project entailed civil designs for water, sewer, drainage grading, paving, access and right-of-way improvements. The project also involved coordination with the design of new Seattle City Light-owned electrical vaults and conduits. This work required collaboration with Seattle City Light, Seattle Department of Transportation, Seattle Public Utilities and a significant number of other franchise utilities.

Scott's Bar and Grill
EDMONDS, WA–Civil engineering and permit coordination involved drainage, grading, paving, and parking layout for the new covered outdoor seating area and additional parking at Scott’s Bar and Grill. The stormwater management and detention system and the Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan were designed and modeled in accordance with the 2005 DOE Surface Water Manual and the City of Edmonds requirements.

The Stelvio Mixed-Use Development
REDMOND, WA–An old service station is the site for a new mixed use development. The development consists of below grade parking, commercial retail space at ground floor level, and residential units above. Site design includes stormwater management, water and sewer utilities, ingress/egress, and right-of-way improvements.

Urban Work Lofts
REDMOND, WA–Crucial street improvements enhanced access for this new commercial building on a highly urbanized street between I-5 and Airport Way South. Right-of-way negotiations with SDOT successfully limited the required improvements to the frontage road for the development and resulted in considerable savings for the project owner. Extensive coordination with Seattle City Light on alternatives for routing power to the building helped prevent conflicts with access and reduce development costs.